Webster Initiative
The Village of Webster has been awarded NYS funding for the creation of a master plan for a large portion of the Village and Town North of Route 104, to include Commercial Street, Donovan Street, North Avenue and portions of the Xerox Campus along Phillips Road. Referred to as the Reimagine Webster Initiative, the project is a joint effort of the Village of Webster and the Webster Economic Development Alliance in cooperation with the Town of Webster.
A substantial public engagement effort will begin in March and will continue throughout the spring and summer – so be on the lookout for opportunities to get involved and help Reimagine this portion of our community!
The Master Plan will identify opportunities for new businesses, housing, and supportive commercial development, the improvement of roadways, the expansion of trails and sidewalks, the future of Xerox lands, and how the Town’s recreation center fits into the vision for this new neighborhood. Upon completion of this master plan the Village, Town and properties within the boundary will be eligible for additional state funding programs for both public and private projects to make the plan a reality.